The story of the titular character as he turns from the lovable underdog into one of the most beloved and powerful shinobi of all time is a blast, and the anime does justice to this manga for the most part. Even people who are completely unfamiliar with the medium of anime are still aware of Naruto, which speaks volumes when it comes to the immense popularity of this series. Updated on Jby Ritwik Mitra: Naruto is one of the most popular anime around.
Viewers who want to take an in-depth look at the various fillers of Naruto should check this table out. The last few episodes of this run before the show bridged over to Shippuden are especially guilty of bombarding fans with unwanted filler. Of course, given Naruto's serialized nature, it was only a matter of time before the show would rely on filler to give Kishimoto some breathing room as he penned the chapters of this manga. Related: Naruto: Each Konoha 11's Best Jutsu However, the original Naruto anime was focused solely on the lives of the protagonists as children before they became teenagers and attained a boost in power that was simply incredible. There's a reason why so many people hold Naruto in high regard, with this anime being the pinnacle of storytelling.